The Sparkling Lady & her Gentleman : An English ceremony in Burgundy

celebrantissimo #weddingcelebrantinfrance#weddingofficiantburgundy#englishceremonyinfrance
english ceremony in Burgundy by celebrantissimo 2023

What an incredible wedding with so many laughs, so much kindness and a lot of humor with Jorge & Chloe, unforgettable newlyweds, absolutely not upset by the rain that invited itself that day!

It was really beautiful to see the groom and his bestmen drinking Champagne and laughing under a parasol  despite the rain. And it was touching to see him greeting every guest (all coming from UK) already seaten, chatting, and laughing (yes, again !) while we were waiting the delicious Bride.

You can imagine their ceremony was as they are : charming, lot of humor and very sincere !  


Quelle atmosphère gaie et pleine d'humour fut la cérémonie de Jorge & Chloe dans ce joli coin de Bourgogne (Butte de Suin). Je n'ai eu qu'à suivre leur tempérament si léger, leur esprit savourant le présent pour raconter leur belle rencontre et leurs liens si fort entre eux et aussi avec leurs amis et familles. Ainsi je garde en mémoire cette belle énergie de ce couple élégant et plein de charme, pétillant et plein d'humour.


What do they say about their ceremony created by Celebrantissimo ?

Hi Emmanuelle 

We absolutely loved it!! What a day! We loved the words you had written !


Everyone thought the ceremony was excellent.

We couldn’t recommend them  

enough! Everyone that came to our wedding said how much they loved the ceremony and it was perfect in every way! Also, their English was perfect and the sense of humour in the ceremony really came through!

Thank you so much



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